TipX allows you to manage all your messages, videos, photos, audio, and delete them anytime you choose from your phone and from the other phone.
- All your information will never be kept- not even on our server
- If someone will take a screenshot of your conversation, your will be noticed right away+ will be get a notification of the screenshot that was taken
- You can choose if to appear : Online, Typing and your last seen
- The application is protected with a pass code (optional)- only by using the correct pass code you will be able to view the conversation.
- While using TipX Your phone number will not be visible to your TipX contacts, if your delete a contact your phone number will be deleted on the other phone as well.
- You will get a confirmation that the photo is deleted (double X)
- If you delete the TipX application the whole history will be deleted from all other phone’s, no memories kept while using TipX.
- You choose if the whole conversation with be deleted or just part of it
- No need to go back to the conversation menu, just swipe your screen and get to the conversation you wish
- No copying forwarding messages
- When a group admin decides to delete the group - it will be deleted from all users.
- You can manage the time that the other side sees you received the message
- You can choose the nickname, id photo, conversation background- to all TipX users
- You can choose what conversation to hide from the chat’s menu, but still receive the message
and much more.
So what are you waiting for? TipX it.